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الثلاثاء، 24 يوليو 2012

غشاء البكارة دراسة علمية

التعريف العلمي لغشاء البكارة:

غشاء رقيق يقع داخل مهبل المرأة بعمق بضعة سنتمترات يُفض ويُمزق بعد الإيلاج سواء بممارسة الجنس أو غيرها.

غشـاء البكارة هو مُتطلب طبيعي تطوري (وفقا لداروين) وليس مُتطلب أخلاقي؟ وإلا لما كان للحيوانات غشـاء بكارة مثل خُلد المـاء، الفيـل، الحوت، اللاما، بقرة البحر، الخُلد، الشمبانزي، الجرذ، الليمور، الفقمة والفرس.

التعريف الاجتماعي لغشاء البكارة:

مقياس الشرف الذي على أساسه تقاس عفة الفتاة وعذريتها من ناحية عدم ممارستها الجنس قبل الزواج أو غيرها بالمجتمعات الشرقية كالعرب والهنود وبعض الدول الأفريقية !

التعريف العلمي لي كامرأة:

إنسان حي يتمتع بكافة خصائص الكائنات الحية الأخرى كالتنفس والتغذية والنمو والتكاثر ويتميز عنها بالإحساس والتفكير والإنتاج والتطوير من خلال الفكر والعمل.

التعريف الاجتماعي لي كامرأة:

أنا إنسان، إنما جعلني المجتمع الشرقي الذكوري تحت خانة كوني ـ امرأة – وإنما أفخر بكوني أنثى لكن وحسب مفاهيمهم التي على أساسها يتم التعامل مع النساء بمجتمعاتنا فهذا يعني إني الطرف الأضعف الذي يحتل دائما المرتبة الثانية بعد الرجل.. بأمر الله والقبيلة وبدعم وموافقة من القوانين القائمة على ذلك.

أنا إنسان معطاء ومُنتج وعلي من الحقوق تجاه ذاتي وأسرتي ومجتمعي أكثر مما لي من حقوق لحد الضعف! كوني (الحرث لهم) و(الناشزة) و(المطلوبة ببيت الطاعة) و(المُقوّم عليها) والتي تتشارك زوجا وفقا للـ (مثنى وثلاث ورباع) والواجب حجبها وتحويلها لمومياء حسب (يضربن بخمرهن على جيوبهن) والتي تُضرب وتُهجر وتعاقب وتحبس أو تُرجم حتى الموت، كوني المحكومة والمُتحكم بها من قبل ولي الأمر (رب أسرتي مهما كان صغيرا أم كبيرا) فلا أخرج ولا أتزوج ولا أصدر جوازا أو بطاقة هوية أو أسافر أو أقدم لوظيفة إلا بموافقته، والتي يتم تزويجها حتى قبل بلوغها سواء للإيلاج أو التمتع بها ومفاخذتها، أنا التي لا أنال حرُيتي كون عصمتي بيد زوجي، كوني المُربية الخادمة المُطيعة التي لها الحصة الأكبر من جهنم وعذاب الله فيما بعد!

“منذ ولادة البنت عند المسلمين، تعتبر عاراً ينبغي ستره، لأنها ليست ولداً ذكراً، وهي تُمثّل في ذاتها النَقْصَ والعَجْز والدونية… وتُعتَبر أداة كامنة للجنوح. وإلى خطيئتِها تعود كل محاولة لممارسة الفعل الجنسي يقوم بها الرجل قبل الزواج. وهي أداة الاغتصاب المُحتَملة وأداة الخطيئة وزنا المحارم، بل والسرقة، لأن الرجال يستطيعون سرقة حيائها بنظرة مجردة. وباختصار، هي الإثم مُشَخّصاً، لأنها تخلق الرغبة الجنسية، وهذه الرغبة نفسها آثمة عند الرجل. تشكل البنت تهديداً دائماً للمبادئ والأخلاق الإسلامية. إنها أداة الجريمة المُحْتَملَة، مذبوحة بيد الأب أو الإخوة من أجل غَسْل الشرف المُلَطَّخ. ذلك أن شرف الرجال المسلمين يغسل بدم البنات.” 1

أنا الإنسان الذي يعمل ويعيل ويتحمل ويحمل وينجب ويربي ويُغلب على أمره وتنتهك أغلب حقوقه بكل بساطة شرعا وقانونا، وإذا ما خالف أمرا أو داع بأي من حقوقه قُتل باسم الشرف أو رُجم أو حُبس حتى الموت! أنا الإنسان الذي يُباع لحمه ويُشترى باسم الكثير من أشكال الزواج الـ…… ! أنا التي لا يُنظر لها كإنسانة بل كبضعة سنتمترات بين فخذيها تقوم عليها الدنيا ولا تقعد وتهتز لها الشوارب والعروش والمنظومات الأيدلوجية إذا لم يخرج الدم المتعارف عليه ليلة الدخلة (الزواج الأول) للتأكد من عذريتي وشرفي وسمعتي ونقائي ونظافتي وعفتي وبقائي أضع يدي على خدي بانتظار الرجل الذي يفض بكارتي متناسية حقي الطبيعي بالحياة حالي حال باقي الكائنات الأخرى ومن ضمنها الرجل لعيش مشاعري وتلبية غرائزي الطبيعية والحفاظ على نفسي من الكبت والأمراض والعقد النفسية التي تصاحبه. وبهذا أكون قد شرفت أهلي وعشيرتي وحفظت ديني وحافظت على قيم مجتمعي وأنا بالكفة المقابلة للرجل الذي فقط لكونه لا يملك غشاء بكارة لا يمكننا وفقه التأكد من عذريته أو إنه فعلا -كما أنا – شرّف أهله وعشيرته وحفظ دينه وحافظ على قيم مجتمعه .

“تدور أجساد النساء كالظلال حول الرجال، ذليلة، مذنبة، تجلب القلق، مُهَدِّدَةً، قذرة، نجسة، مصدر ضيق وخطيئة؛ هذه الأدوات الموبوءة، المطموع بها، المشتهاة والمحَرَّمة، المخفية والمعروضة، المحبوسة، المغصوبة والمكْرَهَة. إن الجسد المؤنث أداة جنسية مخبأة، ومذمومة ومعابة، كأنها بعض اللوازم التي لا بد منها لممارسة الجنس والتي نخجل في الوقت نفسه من استعمالها.” 2

تناولت بعض الجهات والحكومات مؤخرا إجراءا جديدا وغريبا إنما يعزز ويدعم المفاهيم القبلية البالية خصوصا فيما يتعلق بالرجعية والذكورية وتعنيف المرأة وقمع حريتها على خلاف الرجل؛ ألا وهو الفحص المشرع والمسن قانونيا لبكارة البنت للتحقق من عذريتها قبل الزواج! كي يضمن الرجل وأهله البضاعة التي اشتروها إنها (brand new).

سأتناول الموضوع بمكيالين كلاهما أخلاقي -إنساني: إذا كانت البنت عذراء ـ بكارتها سليمة – فهذا لا يعني بالضرورة إنها عاشت حياتها حتى تلك الليلة دون أن يمسسها بشر، فبالوقت الذي نعيشه الآن يمكنها أن تفعل ما تشاء ومع من تشاء دون المساس بغشائها أو تعاود ترميمه بعملية جراحية بسيطة أو باستخدام غشاء بكارة صناعي مزيف كذاك الغشاء الصيني الذي لا يتجاوز سعره الثلاث دولارات ومتوفر بكل مكان! بهذه الحالة تكون قد خدعت الزوج وأهله واستغفلتهم (أخذتهم على قدر عقولهم وتفكيرهم) وربحت هي بمكرها وتلاعبها بتلك المفاهيم (ولا من شاف ولا من دري) ونالت لقب العذراء الشريفة العفيفة وضربت بها الأمثال!! هل هذا حقا ما تريدون؟ أن يتم خداعكم ببضع قطرات من الدم ولو مزيفة كي تُرضوا القناعة والفكرة التي برؤوسكم إسقاط فرضٍ لا أكثر؟ ما الذي تغير من المعادلة المشروطة عندكم وما الذي ربحتم منها بكلتا الحالتين سواء كانت تضع غشاء بكارة مزيف أو لا تملكه ولم تبالي بترقيعه؟

من الجانب الآخر: إذا كان الشرف والعفة والسمعة والحفاظ على قيم وعادات المجتمع مشروطة بالبكارة فكيف لنا التأكد من بكارة الرجل كونه لا يملك غشاءً يثبت لنا كل ذلك؟ وهذا يتيح له ممارسة حياته بصورة طبيعية والتمتع بكافة حقوقه على حساب المرأة. غير أن أداة الشهوة الذكورية هذه تُعبّر عن ممنوع آخر وعن ازدواجية أخرى. وهذه الازدواجية هي من الدعامات الأساسية التي يرتكز عليها الوعي الجمعي: إذ أنني عندما أتحدّث عن الوعي العربي بشكل عامّ فأنا لا أصدر حكما عامّا على كلّ العرب من مفكّرين وإعلاميين وأدباء وفنّانين وباحثين، لكن هؤلاء لا يمثلون إلا قلّة قليلة أمام الأغلبية الساحقة التي لا تزال ترزح تحت نير الوصاية بكل أشكالها، وهذا هو ما أقصده بالوعي الجمعي.

“هكذا أصبح الوعي العربي بكينونته الحالية ذا وجه واحد غاب عنه البعد الناقد الذي يؤمن بالتطور، وهو وجه استاتيكي ثابت، فإذا سألت في الدين فلا إيمان إلا إيمان السلف الصالح، وإذا سألت في العلم فلن تسمع إلا بالعلوم التي سموها بالربانية، وهي علما الناسخ والمنسوخ وعلم أسباب النزول، وإذا سألت في الأخلاق والعدل فلن تجد إلا الإشادة بعدالة وأخلاق الأوائل، فلماذا استمرت الثقافة العربية؟ أين هي صيرورتها التاريخية؟، أين هو الانتقال من حال قديمة ثبت ضعف مناهجها ومبادئها إلى حال جديدة تتلافى مواطن الزلل في سابقتها؟.” 3

ربما يثُب البعض وينتفض لربطي الموضوع بالإسلام، لكن الأمر وجهان لعملة واحدة (الأيدولوجيا والإسلام) اللذان دعما بعضها مشكلان هذا النظام الدوغماتي الذي يتبنى عيش ثقافة أشخاص عاشوا لحظتهم التاريخية بشروطها وانتهوا، ورغم تغير الشروط، ووجوب تغير الأفكار، إذ بدلا من أن تكون الأفكار في خدمة الإنسان فهو الذي بات يخدمها ويسعى لتكييف حياته حتى تتلاءم معها، وفي ثقافة كهذه تتجسد عبادة الأفراد وتقديسهم وتختزل الإنسانية في جيل أو جماعة ويختزل التاريخ في لحظة واحدة، ثم إنّ الفرد الذي يحمل ثقافة كهذه مستبدّ بالضرورة، إذ لا يمكنها أن تستمرّ إلا بالعنف والإكراه، لأنها تعاكس قانون التاريخ الذي يقضي بالتغيير المستمر في كل المجالات ، وتصادر العقل والفكر الحرّ.

الشرف أيها (المختلفون) ليس بين فخذي المرأة، ولا بين فخذي الرجل. الشرف يبدأ بشرف الكلمة ولا ينتهي بشرف المهنة فكل ما يفعله المرء يعد شرفه كلمته، مواقفه، عمله، نظافة يده، إخلاصه لبلده، ولعلمه.. لأسرته ولمبادئه كلها وغيرها مسميات للشرف عندنا.

بقلم: افان الدراجي

الخميس، 28 يونيو 2012

Exercises During Pregnancy

There are plenty of good reasons for a woman to take up kegel exercises, but even more so during pregnancy! Your PC Muscles are actually an important part of the child birthing process and strengthening them can help out a lot. Strong PC Muscles will help ease the pain of childbirth and will also make the act of pushing easier. The PC Muscles tend to become weaker during pregnancy and can lead to bladder problems (frequent urination, etc.) and kegel exercises can almost totally offset this.
Additionally, after the child is born kegels will actually help the vaginal healing process along. A great advantage to doing kegels while pregnant is that many other forms of exercises become impractical once you are so far along. You can do kegels anywhere and it takes a much smaller amount of physical exertion.
Pregnancy 1
Even though kegels can be extremely beneficial to you during and after pregnancy, it is important that you take it easy the first month or so after birth. After all, that region of your body just went through tremendous strain! This does not mean you should stop exercises completely, just tone down the intensity long enough for your body to recuperate from the stress it has just recently experienced. This is nothing serious to worry about but it is something to consider. Worst case scenario if you overdo it is you will become sore. Not a life threatening issue by any means.
Perhaps the greatest benefit kegels can bestow open you during pregnancy is preparing you for the pushing. Pushing is painful and having healthy pelvic muscles will make the whole ordeal go a lot smoother. Strong, toned muscles can also reduce the amount of trauma those muscles may otherwise experience. These are good enough reasons in and of themselves to practice kegel exercises during and after pregnancy, not to mention the better sex! The ability to do kegels anywhere you are no matter how far along you are is an extreme convenience as well.
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At your book club meeting, when you are driving, even on an airplane. There really isn’t anywhere you can not do kegels and no one can even tell that you are doing them! Just make sure that you continue to breath normally when you are performing these exercises. There is no reason to strain the rest of your body and become short of breath. The only area of the body you need to target is your PC Muscles, putting strain on any other area of the body does not have any benefit whatsoever.
Kegels can be done from a totally relaxed position and some people even combine the exercises with yoga or meditation. Yoga can have its own benefits for pregnant women but that is another topic unto itself. You can make use of Kegels all the way up to the emergency room if you choose to do so.
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However, It has been recommended that pregnant women reduce the amount of kegels they perform when they are approaching their due date. The reasoning behind this is that you do not want to go into labor with sore PC muscles caused by an intense kegel workout. This will not effect the baby in anyway, it will simply make the process of giving birth more tiring than it already is.
After all, you need these muscles to push and you do not want to tire them out right before the moment you really need them! Many people do not even practice kegels to the intensity level stated above but it is always better to be safe than sorry.

الجمعة، 22 يونيو 2012

Exercises For Premature Ejaculation

Unsatisfactory sexual intercourse is one of the major complaints of premature ejaculation, which many couples experience. Premature ejaculation is a condition in which the male releases or ejaculates too quickly for himself and his partner. The causes of premature ejaculation include a lot of stimulation, anxiety, depression, worry, and more.
However, premature ejaculation is not usually caused by a physical reason, but psychological factors are one of the main causes. When couples experience premature ejaculation it can leave both partners unfulfilled sexual and can cause a lot of discord and tension within their relationship if the problem is not addressed in a timely manner. Education, simple practices, and relaxation are the some of the ways premature ejaculation can be significantly improved. Couples should work together when using methods that can improve premature ejaculation.
One method which can help improve premature ejaculation is with the use of kegel exercises. Like women were once told, improved sexual health benefits can be derived from the clenching of pelvic floor muscles. However, the recent health science consensus says that clenching the perineum muscles alone will not improve those muscles or health by just using the clenching method alone.
Ejaculation 1
In fact, like the effects of weight training or body building exercises, kegel exercises which incorporate the use of resistance training is much more effective to build, tighten and improve pelvic floor muscles, and when this happens, sexual and male and female disorders improve more quickly. Kegel exercises can help men with premature ejaculation in several core ways.
First, kegel exercises help to improve premature ejaculation by strengthening the PC muscle or the Pubococcygeus muscle. Once the PC muscles are strengthened, several other transitive effects occur because of this improvement. These transitive effects include a marked increase in the amount of muscle mass in the perineum, increased blood flow to the penis during times of sexual stimulation, and longer lasting and stronger erections.
Kegel exercises for men also help in the treatment of Overactive Bladder Syndrome (OAB), which is a condition with symptoms of extreme urgency to urinate. This is a very annoying and persistent condition that occurs even if the person has already urinated. Increasing the amount of control on the bladder is the main effect of performing kegel exercises to reduce or eliminate Overactive Bladder Syndrome. Another added benefit is heightened sensation and awareness.
When men perform kegel exercises on a regular basis, they will began to sense any tension during sexual intercourse and during the course of the day in the area of the perineum. They will also have a heightened sense of awareness of specific pleasure points during sexual intercourse with their partner. This can allow men to adjust themselves accordingly to increase the time before they reach climax, and also enable them to relax their muscles at a faster rate.
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Types of Kegel Exercises for Men
Although the kegel exercises remain a simple concept, there are several types of exercises which men can perform to get added health benefits. One method includes the clench and release method using the long-hold method. F
or instance, once you begin your kegel exercises you will clench you muscle and hold the muscle in the clenched position for a count of 5 of 10 seconds and then you would release your muscle and try to relax as much as possible before the next long-hold clench. You then need to perform this exercise for a few months.
However, once this method gets too easy for you to do, you will then need to increase the amount of long-hold time. Therefore, if you started out with a 5 second long-hold, then you need to increase it to about 10 seconds to continue improving your kegel muscles on a regular basis.
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The next method of kegel exercises for men includes a short-hold method. With this method you clench your kegel muscles several times within the counting time. Therefore, when you perform these kegel exercises, you will be counting and clenching and releasing your muscles at a very rapid pace, but you will still be squeezing your muscles as hard as you count. A good starting point for this method is a 10 second count. To improve you performance with this method you would simple increase the number of reps that you do.
Another method of during kegel exercises is to perform the above exercises while you have an erection. You can get your partner involved in this one. Keep in mind the results and health benefits of kegel exercises is more effective with resistance training equipment.

Exercise Devices

With advances in health technology, kegel exercise devices are used to help improve the health of both men and women with various health and sexual issues. Kegel exercise devices are often prescribed and recommended for use with or instead of traditional medicines to prevent, eliminate, or reduce health issues.

Now, kegel exercise devices are used as one of the healthiest alternatives to treat sexual dysfunction, bladder control issues, and other male and female physical health issues. Some current kegel exercise devices that are on the market include The KegelPad for men, and The Kegelmaster for women, Gyneflex with VTP, Smartballs, Kegel Enhansor, Kegel Pro, and the Kegelcisor.
Devices 1
How They Work
How do kegel exercise devices work? Kegel exercise devices work by providing an adequate amount of resistance to the perineum muscle in men and pelvic floor and vaginal muscles in women. When it comes to major muscle groups that include the arms, thighs and gluts, most people understand that muscles cannot be improved without a fair amount resistance training within the localized area.
Therefore, in the world of health science, doctors have abandoned the idea of telling men and women to just squeeze the pelvic muscles together to see an improvement in health benefits and sexual benefits. Instead of just squeezing these muscles together and getting minimal results, women and men can now use kegel exercise devices to actually provide resistance training.
Health Benefits for Women
Women see various health benefits from performing pelvic and vaginal training using kegel exercise devices specifically made for them. For instance, many women experience improved bladder control and therefore this reduces or eliminates episodes of incontinence. As a whole, the pelvic floor muscles in women are strengthened and restored after performing a series of reps using kegel exercise devices.
Other health benefits women experience are the prevention of pelvic organ prolapsed, muscles surrounding the vagina are tightened and toned, and a marked improvement in the vaginal orgasm which includes increased satisfaction, duration, intensity, and frequency of sexual health.
Devices 2
Health Benefits for Men
Men also see marked health benefits when they perform specified perineum movements using specially designed kegel exercise devices. Overall, the PC or pubococcygeus muscle is the main muscle that improves and brings health benefits to men that use kegel exercise devices on a regular basis.
The health benefits men experience through consistent resistance training of the perineum include reducing eliminating and preventing Urinary Stress Incontinence (UI), Erectile Dysfunction (ED), and Prostate Enlargement (BPH). Because the perineum area help to control the erection in men, performing resistance training can also help sexual performance and satisfaction by improving stamina and reducing premature ejaculation.
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How to Use Kegel Exercise Devices
Kegel exercise devices are simple to use on a continuous basis. Although the devices may look different among the spectrum for men and women, each device is designed to provide resistance training using the traditional squeezing method that was first described to have sexual and health benefits alone. Combining the squeeze method, the kegel exercise devices for women are inserted into vagina. Usually, the squeeze method is done by using a hold-count- release system and then this repeated for a number of repetitions.
Improvement is made overtime with more repetitions increased each week, which is similar to the method used in body building or weight training exercises. Kegel exercises for men are used by the men sitting on a device which provides resistance in the perineum area while the kegels are performed. Men and women also have the option of using an air compressed device that is weighted and can be inserted inside the vagina or anis and combined with the squeeze method.

Kegel Exercises For Erection

Kegel exercises for erection are done in a simple manner, and can be done at anytime during the day while you are doing other tasks. In as little as 10 minutes a day, the muscle of the perineum area can be improved and thus improving erection during sexual intercourse. Impotence is a common problem that any man can experience.

The causes of erection problem can include medication, age, and obesity. Losing an erection on a continuous basis can also be caused from psychological factors such as depression or anxiety. Another reason for impotence is due to the use of recreational drugs and alcohol. However, with a healthy lifestyle and eating habits and with the use of kegel exercises, men can achieve better erections in general and also help the problem of erectile dysfunction.
How can kegel exercises help reduce or eliminate erectile dysfunction and improve erections in general? Just like the results of planned exercises for weight loss and muscle building, kegel exercises done on a regular basis will help to improve the pelvic floor muscle called the perineum. These string-like muscles are designed to control the erection and other specified functions of the male anatomy like bladder control. Once these muscles are strengthened by using a combination of kegel exercises and resistance, this muscle will improve the length of time a man can keep and erection, and thus reversing consistent erectile dysfunction.
Erection 1
Not only will men see an extreme improvement in erectile dysfunction by using resistance and kegel clenching, by also erections in general will be improves with added benefits. The reason for the general improvement of an erection is due to the increase in blood flow to the perineum area. While doing kegel exercises, the blood flow is increased, and therefore the body becomes trained to send a certain amount of blood flow to the area during times of sexual intercourse.
Besides traditional medicinal methods, they are better and more natural alternatives to treating erectile dysfunction. There are three main ways to treat erectile dysfunction in men and improve the erection in general. One of the three main ways to strengthen the muscles of the perineum is to use masturbation. Men should lie down in a relax position and begin to masturbate. Once masturbation has begun, do not allow yourself to reach climax. Once you feel that you are about to climax, stop masturbation immediately, and begin to clinch your perineum for several seconds without any added stimulation. Then relax and begin to masturbate again.
This method should be done about 4-5 times before you allow yourself to reach climax. By using this method, you are more likely to control the timing of future climaxes when involved in sexual intercourse with your partner. You will be more aware of the tension needed to increase and prolong pleasure as well.
Erection 2
Another method to help eliminate erectile problems also involves masturbation. With this method you will also masturbate but keep yourself from climaxing by stopping the stimulation. However, this time you will use a combination of clenching the kegal muscles and clamping off the base of the penis which is closer to the pubic bone. You should also do this method for about 5 times.
Kegel exercises combines with the regular use of resistance equipment is another method to improve the erection in general and reduce erectile dysfunction. With this method you do not have to masturbate of be erected at all. This methods requires the use of a resistance device with can be purchased online from any number of companies which carry these products specifically for men.
Once you receive your kegel exercise equipment you should always read the manufactures’ instructions before you begin a planned exercise routine on a regular basis. Also, it is also recommended that you discuss your plans with your doctor. Your doctor may be able to give you a tip or two about how to better perform each kegel exercise with your body type in mind, and he or she should also do a medical evaluation on you to make sure you are healthy enough to engage in sexual intercourse with your partner.
Erection 3
Basically, you will be using this advice along with long-hold and short-hold clenching and release methods to assist you with developing a stronger PC muscle. After a few months you will begin to see improvements, and it is likely that your partner will recognize the improvement as well.

بالصور شرح طريقه ادخال العضو الذكري في المهبل بطريقه صحيحه-Pictures to explain the way the introduction of the penis into the vagina correctly

Pictures to explain the way the introduction of the penis into the vagina correctly

شرح طريقه ادخال العضو الذكري في المهبل بطريقه صحيحه (( وبالصور ))
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

نضع لكم هذا الموضوع كتوضيح لعلمية الجماع ... 

وعملية إيلاج العضو ....وتلميحات اخرى 

الصورة الأولى : بعض المتزوجين حديثا يواجه مشكلة اصطدام العضو

بعظم العانه ويعيق دخوله ولعل ذلك يسبب له بعض الأشكال 

مع ان الموضوع مو مستاهل .......

والبعض يعتقد أن الادخال الكامل هو الذي يحقق النشوه للمرأة ....

وفي الصور توضيح :

الصورة الثانية : عملية الإيلاج الكامله ....

وهذه تحدث بعد فتره من الزواج وفي الصور توضيح 

الصوره الثالثه : وفي هذه الصورة طريق الإيلاج بدون الاحتكاك بالبظر 

وهذا يحقق المطلوب من العملية الجنسية .

ولكن لو كان هناك احتكاك بالبظر تكون الاستثاره افضل 

والصور توضح:

الحياة الزوجية

الصورة الرابعة: نفس الصورة السابقة 

ولكن لا حظ احتكاك البظر بعانة الرجل مما يولد للمرأة استثاره افضل

مما في الصورة السابقه 
والبعض يستخدم اساليب اخرى مثل الخاتم الذكري 

وهذا للأسف قمة (البلاهه) لأن الرجل لديه ما يحقق النشوة لزوجته بدون مساعدات

لو استطاع ان يفهم تضاريس جسد المرأة.

هذا مع تمنياتي لكم بعلاقه حميمه مع زوجاتكم 

شرح بالانكليزية

Conception is the act of conceiving a child. The common view of the human body, the act of sex, 

and the way that conception take place, is not complete according to Happeh Theory. According to Happeh Theory, the human body is more than what western science says it is. There is more going on with the act of conception that is described by western science.
According to Happeh Theory, human beings have energy, and that energy is involved in the process of conception.  This video gives advice to couples who want to be more successful at conceiving a child.
The video explains another way that the human body behaves during the process of conception, that western scientists do not seem to know about, or do not talk publicly about.
A web page duplicate of the video is also provided for those who prefer to read, and for more leisurely study.
This video is titled “The Missionary Position is more effective for procreation”
According to Happeh Theory, sex that takes place when the man and woman are in what is commonly known as the “missionary position”, is more effective at making the woman pregnant, than sex that takes place with the body of the man and woman in some other orientation to each other. This video will explain the reasoning behind that claim.
According to scientists, a woman becomes pregnant when a male sperm fertilizes a female egg. A man and woman must engage in sex, in order for the transfer of male sperm to the female egg to occur.
The act of sex is accomplished when the man’s penis is inserted into the woman’s vagina. The “normal” sexual position as described in a sexual education class, would probably be the previously mentioned missionary position.
“The missionary position” is the name given to sex that occurs ,when the front of the body of the man faces directily towards the front of the body of the woman as shown in this picture.
The male penis can be treated as if it is circular, and the female vagina can be treated as if it is a circular hole. That mean that there is no “right” orientation for the penis to be inserted into the vagina. No matter how the penis is rotated, the circular penis will always fit into the circular vagina.
Because of that fact, the act of sex between a man and a woman, can be performed with the body of the man at any imaginable orienation to the body of the woman. An example of a non missionary position body orientation for the act of sex, would be when the woman bends forward and the man stand behind her.
It was previously stated that according to scientists, the act of procreation involves the male sperm fertilizing an egg of the female. The scientific explanation for the entire process of procreation, is based on the idea of chemical and biological events that take place within the body of the man and the woman.
According to Happeh Theory though, there is more to the act of procreation than just chemical and biological events.
According to Happeh Theory, human beings have what is commonly referred to as energy. The energy of a human being is invisible, it can travel through thin air, and it can interact with the world around it.
According to Happeh Theory, the process of procreation also involves intermingling of the energy of the man and the woman, in a way that facilitates and assists the chemical and biological events, that scientists say are involved in the process of procreation.
The energy intermingling that takes place between the man and the woman during the act of sex, involves the entire body of both the man and the woman.
One way to visualize the energy of a human body, is as a cloud that completely envelopes the human body.
During the process of procreation, the cloud of energy surrounding the woman would merge with the cloud of energy surrounding the man.
There is also another way that the energy of the man and the woman, interact during the process of procreation.
Because this is a public video, the rectangle shown in this picture will represent the male penis.
The act of procreation in the missionary position,
involves the penis extending out from the groin of the man,
and into the vagina of the woman.
Another activity that takes place during the act of sex, is that the man and the woman will kiss, or stick their tongues into each other’s mouths.
The tongue extends out from the mouth of a human being,
like the penis extends out from the groin of the man.
This picture shows the man and woman in the missionary position,
with the rectangular object representing the tongue extending out from the mouth of the man,
and into the mouth of the woman.
According to Happeh Theory, there is one more thing that extends out from the body of the man and into the body of the woman. According to Happeh Theory, a penis or tongue like projection will extend out from the stomach of the man during the process of procreation, as demonstrated by the rectangular object in this picture.
The woman’s stomach during the process of procreation, will open in a way that is similar to the way the mouth and the vagina open. This special effects picture provides a way to visualize what the opening in the stomach of the woman might look like.
During the process of procreation in the missionary position,
the projection from the stomach of the man would naturally extend into the stomach of the woman.
A way to visualize what that looks like, can be provided by this special effects picture of an arm sticking into the opening of the stomach.
The arm sticking into the opening in the stomach,
represents the projection extending out from the stomach of the man.
According to Happeh Theory, the process of procreation was designed to involve alll three projections from the body of the man, extending into and stimulating all three openings in the 
body of the woman.

السبت، 16 يونيو 2012

Sexual problems

Context  While recent pharmacological advances have generated increased public interest and demand for clinical services regarding erectile dysfunction, epidemiologic data on sexual dysfunction are relatively scant for both women and men.

Objective  To assess the prevalence and risk of experiencing sexual dysfunction across various social groups and examine the determinants and health consequences of these disorders.

Design  Analysis of data from the National Health and Social Life Survey, a probability sample study of sexual behavior in a demographically representative, 1992 cohort of US adults.

Participants  A national probability sample of 1749 women and 1410 men aged 18 to 59 years at the time of the survey.

Main Outcome Measures  Risk of experiencing sexual dysfunction as well as negative concomitant outcomes.

Results  Sexual dysfunction is more prevalent for women (43%) than men (31%) and is associated with various demographic characteristics, including age and educational attainment. Women of different racial groups demonstrate different patterns of sexual dysfunction. Differences among men are not as marked but generally consistent with women. Experience of sexual dysfunction is more likely among women and men with poor physical and emotional health. Moreover, sexual dysfunction is highly associated with negative experiences in sexual relationships and overall well-being.

Conclusions  The results indicate that sexual dysfunction is an important public health concern, and emotional problems likely contribute to the experience of these problems.

Sexual dysfunctions are characterized by disturbances in sexual desire and in the psychophysiological changes associated with the sexual response cycle in men and women.1 Despite increasing demand for clinical services and the potential impact of these disorders on interpersonal relationships and quality of life,2 - 3 epidemiologic data are relatively scant. Based on the few available community studies, it appears that sexual dysfunctions are highly prevalent in both sexes, ranging from 10% to 52% of men and 25% to 63% of women.4 - 6 Data from the Massachusetts Male Aging Study7 (MMAS) showed that 34.8% of men aged 40 to 70 years had moderate to complete erectile dysfunction, which was strongly related to age, health status, and emotional function. Erectile dysfunction has been described as an important public health problem by a National Institutes of Health Consensus Panel,8 which identified an urgent need for population-based data concerning the prevalence, determinants, and consequences of this disorder. Even less is known about the epidemiology of female sexual dysfunction.

Professional and public interest in sexual dysfunction has recently been sparked by developments in several areas. First, major advances have occurred in our understanding of the neurovascular mechanisms of sexual response in men and women.9 - 11 Several new classes of drugs have been identified that offer significant therapeutic potential for the treatment of male erectile disorder,12 - 14 while other agents have been proposed for sexual desire and orgasm disorders.15 - 16 Availability of these drugs could increase dramatically the number of patients seeking professional help for these problems. Epidemiologic data would be of obvious value in developing appropriate service delivery and resource allocation models. Additionally, changing cultural attitudes and demographic shifts in the population have highlighted the pervasiveness of sexual concerns in all ethnic and age groups.

The present study addresses these issues by analyzing data on sexual dysfunction from the National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS), a study of adult sexual behavior in the United States.17 Sampling, data collection, and response analysis were all conducted under highly controlled conditions. This unique data source provides extensive information on key aspects of sexual behavior, including sexual problems and dysfunction, health and lifestyle variables, and sociocultural predictors. Prior analyses of sexual dysfunction, using NHSLS data, are limited, presenting basic prevalence rates across demographic characteristics and indicators of overall health and well-being.17 (pp368-374) The present study, in contrast, uses multivariate techniques to estimate relative risk (RR) of sexual dysfunction for each demographic characteristic as well as for key risk factors.

الخميس، 7 يونيو 2012

Top 10 Cities That Value Sex the Most (and Least) in America

Spring has finally sprung, and with the weather warming and the clothing layers peeling we at wanted to divulge some interesting data around the topic on everyone’s mind—spring flings! We took a deep dive into who values sex the most in our great nation. The ranking is based on more than 10 million surveyed responses has amassed on the topic from Dr. Helen Fisher’s personality test. You may be surprised to find out which cities had the largest concentration of singles that strongly agreed that sex was an essential part of a relationship!
California, or Californication? We found an astounding 8 of the top 10 cities that value sex the most are in the Golden State! On the contrary, the number one city that values sex the least in relationships is Lubbock, Texas—the boots aren’t knocking down south! We asked our chief scientific advisor, Dr. Helen Fisher to weigh in on our findings:
“When it comes to cities that value sex the least, Builders dominate in these cities and are likely to be more expressive of the serotonin system in the brain. Elevated serotonin can dramatically reduce one’s sex drive and sexual response.  This is why serotonin-boosting anti-depressants (like Paxil and Zoloft) regularly jeopardize, even kill, sexual interest. These drugs flood the brain with serotonin.
On the other hand, I am not surprised that Explorers top the list.  Explorers are likely to be more expressive of the dopamine system of the brain. And dopamine triggers the production of testosterone–the hormone of sexual desire in both men and women. . Explorers also like novelty, excitement and the pleasures of the senses. So for them, sex has it all.
Lastly, Negotiators came in second on the list of members who value sex the most in relationships. Negotiators believe romance is essential to a partnership.  So these men and women devote real time to cultivating romance–bringing home thoughtful gifts to their mate, leaving love notes when heading out of town, making special phone calls to keep in touch, or orchestrating a surprise weekend get- away. They keep the intimacy alive with imaginative daily acts and sex is part of this.”

Find the cities that value sex the most below:
  1. Venice, CA
  2. Santa Monica, CA
  3. Newport Beach, CA
  4. West Hollywood, CA
  5. West Los Angeles, CA
  6. Woodland Hills, CA
  7. Miami Beach, FL
  8. Redondo Beach, CA
  9. Hoboken, NJ
  10. San Francisco, CA
The cites that value sex the least:
  1. Lubbock, TX
  2. Schenectady, NY
  3. Lincoln, NE
  4. Toledo, OH
  5. Springfield, MO
  6. Fort Wayne, IN
  7. Akron, OH
  8. Sioux Falls, SD
  9. Dayton, OH
  10. Norfolk, VA 
Cities where women value sex the most:
  1. Santa Monica, CA
  2. West Hollywood, CA
  3. San Francisco, CA
  4. Scottsdale, AZ
  5. Seattle, WA
  6. Portland, MA
  7. New York, NY
  8. Boulder, CO
  9. Oakland, CA
  10. Pasadena, CA
 Illustration by Kagan McLeod for
Do you live in any of these cities and can speak to this list? Or maybe you live somewhere else that you think should have made the cut? Tell us in the comments below.

الأربعاء، 2 مايو 2012

The primary pigments in plants

The bacteriochlorophylls are some pigments photosynthetic found in several bacterial phototrophs . Are related to chlorophyll , which are the primary pigments in plants , algae and cyanobacteria . Groups containing bacteriochlorophyll conduct photosynthesis but do not produce oxygen . Using light wavelengths that are not absorbed by plants. The different groups contain different types of bacteriochlorophyll:
Bacteriochlorophyll a , purple bacteria , Chloracidobacterium thermophilum . 1
Bacteriochlorophyll b , purple bacteria .
Bacteriochlorophyll c , green sulfur bacteria , Chloroflexi , Chloracidobacterium thermophilum .
Bacteriochlorophyll d , green sulfur bacteria .
Bacteriochlorophyll e , green sulfur bacteria .
Bacteriochlorophyll g , heliobacteria .
The bacteriochlorophylls c and d are chlorins , with a ring pyrrole reduced , and the others are bacteriochlorins, with two.
Balausta is a fruit that comes from an inferior ovary, where the carpels are joined together and arranged on two floors. They have a pericarp hard, and the interior is divided into chambers by a thin tissue. The seeds have a fleshy outer part.
An example is the fruit of the pomegranate ( Punica granatum )
The salve is a plant secretion comprised of resin , aromatic acids , alcohols and esters , such as incense . The balms are often used as deodorizers and cleaners, as sometimes the mummies were covered with Egyptian mummification balms also was named embalmed.
The balms are solid, more or less viscous fluids on either a preponderance of their elements. Its color varies from quite dark usually yellow-brown to blackish brown. Owe their odor in part to contain volatile oil and sometimes exposed to benzoic acid for a long time outdoors, harden and make a resinous lose their odor resulting from the dispersion in the atmosphere of volatile oil. Are generally mixed in all proportions with alcohol, ether, and volatile fatty oils and are insoluble in water. By simple distillation I can be separated only a small part of the volatile oil contained therein. For all must distill with water, operation to be practiced on a large scale with turpentine to remove the essential oil of turpentine. All balms are born, either naturally or by incisions made ??to the effect of certain trees.
In botany , the band of Caspary is a differentiation of primary walls of the cells of the endoderm of the roots of plants, is a waterproof layer which extends suberin without continuity succession along the radial and transverse walls.
The Casparian band forms part of the wall, an infiltration is not a tank and each cell has its own band. When observing microscope , the band is dyed a different color than the rest of the wall, since it presents appetite deferens by safranin .
Its function is to seal the wall prevents the substances from entering the cells of the endoderm and exodermis. Moreover, the cells are bound together by the bands thus also preclude the passage of substances between them.
There are two types of inputs of substances:
Apoplastic pathway: substances enter by diffusion through the apoplast, and may reach the vascular cylinder, hence the Casparian band seals the water passage, and therefore substances that are in it.
Symplastic pathway: substances enter the symplast and disseminated by intermembrane transport.
In botany , a berry is the most common type of fruit fleshy simple, in which the entire wall of the ovary matures, usually in a pericarp edible . The ovary is always exceeded in these flowers , and having one or more carpels within a thin covering and fleshy interiors, the seeds embedded in a common meat that is simple or ovarian multicarpelado.
Examples of berries are grape and tomato , but many other common fruits botanically as berries are considered: the hesperidios as orange and lemon are berries modified, the persimmon , the eggplant , the guava , and pepper berries are considered as well.
In plant species with an inferior ovary, the floral tube can mature along with the ovary, creating an accessory fruit called false berry . Included in this category, the banana , the cucumber , the gourd , the melon , the gooseberry , the cranberry and melon among others.
Many berries are small, juicy, and a bright color that contrasts with its background to be more sensitive to animals that disperse helping to disperse the seeds of the plant.
In Spanish language berry is not the same as fruit of the forest . Care must be taken because in many other languages ??the same word refers to both concepts, such as the grapes are berries but no berries, the berries are not berries but berries, and currants are two types of fruit.