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الجمعة، 22 يونيو 2012

بالصور شرح طريقه ادخال العضو الذكري في المهبل بطريقه صحيحه-Pictures to explain the way the introduction of the penis into the vagina correctly

Pictures to explain the way the introduction of the penis into the vagina correctly

شرح طريقه ادخال العضو الذكري في المهبل بطريقه صحيحه (( وبالصور ))
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

نضع لكم هذا الموضوع كتوضيح لعلمية الجماع ... 

وعملية إيلاج العضو ....وتلميحات اخرى 

الصورة الأولى : بعض المتزوجين حديثا يواجه مشكلة اصطدام العضو

بعظم العانه ويعيق دخوله ولعل ذلك يسبب له بعض الأشكال 

مع ان الموضوع مو مستاهل .......

والبعض يعتقد أن الادخال الكامل هو الذي يحقق النشوه للمرأة ....

وفي الصور توضيح :

الصورة الثانية : عملية الإيلاج الكامله ....

وهذه تحدث بعد فتره من الزواج وفي الصور توضيح 

الصوره الثالثه : وفي هذه الصورة طريق الإيلاج بدون الاحتكاك بالبظر 

وهذا يحقق المطلوب من العملية الجنسية .

ولكن لو كان هناك احتكاك بالبظر تكون الاستثاره افضل 

والصور توضح:

الحياة الزوجية

الصورة الرابعة: نفس الصورة السابقة 

ولكن لا حظ احتكاك البظر بعانة الرجل مما يولد للمرأة استثاره افضل

مما في الصورة السابقه 
والبعض يستخدم اساليب اخرى مثل الخاتم الذكري 

وهذا للأسف قمة (البلاهه) لأن الرجل لديه ما يحقق النشوة لزوجته بدون مساعدات

لو استطاع ان يفهم تضاريس جسد المرأة.

هذا مع تمنياتي لكم بعلاقه حميمه مع زوجاتكم 

شرح بالانكليزية

Conception is the act of conceiving a child. The common view of the human body, the act of sex, 

and the way that conception take place, is not complete according to Happeh Theory. According to Happeh Theory, the human body is more than what western science says it is. There is more going on with the act of conception that is described by western science.
According to Happeh Theory, human beings have energy, and that energy is involved in the process of conception.  This video gives advice to couples who want to be more successful at conceiving a child.
The video explains another way that the human body behaves during the process of conception, that western scientists do not seem to know about, or do not talk publicly about.
A web page duplicate of the video is also provided for those who prefer to read, and for more leisurely study.
This video is titled “The Missionary Position is more effective for procreation”
According to Happeh Theory, sex that takes place when the man and woman are in what is commonly known as the “missionary position”, is more effective at making the woman pregnant, than sex that takes place with the body of the man and woman in some other orientation to each other. This video will explain the reasoning behind that claim.
According to scientists, a woman becomes pregnant when a male sperm fertilizes a female egg. A man and woman must engage in sex, in order for the transfer of male sperm to the female egg to occur.
The act of sex is accomplished when the man’s penis is inserted into the woman’s vagina. The “normal” sexual position as described in a sexual education class, would probably be the previously mentioned missionary position.
“The missionary position” is the name given to sex that occurs ,when the front of the body of the man faces directily towards the front of the body of the woman as shown in this picture.
The male penis can be treated as if it is circular, and the female vagina can be treated as if it is a circular hole. That mean that there is no “right” orientation for the penis to be inserted into the vagina. No matter how the penis is rotated, the circular penis will always fit into the circular vagina.
Because of that fact, the act of sex between a man and a woman, can be performed with the body of the man at any imaginable orienation to the body of the woman. An example of a non missionary position body orientation for the act of sex, would be when the woman bends forward and the man stand behind her.
It was previously stated that according to scientists, the act of procreation involves the male sperm fertilizing an egg of the female. The scientific explanation for the entire process of procreation, is based on the idea of chemical and biological events that take place within the body of the man and the woman.
According to Happeh Theory though, there is more to the act of procreation than just chemical and biological events.
According to Happeh Theory, human beings have what is commonly referred to as energy. The energy of a human being is invisible, it can travel through thin air, and it can interact with the world around it.
According to Happeh Theory, the process of procreation also involves intermingling of the energy of the man and the woman, in a way that facilitates and assists the chemical and biological events, that scientists say are involved in the process of procreation.
The energy intermingling that takes place between the man and the woman during the act of sex, involves the entire body of both the man and the woman.
One way to visualize the energy of a human body, is as a cloud that completely envelopes the human body.
During the process of procreation, the cloud of energy surrounding the woman would merge with the cloud of energy surrounding the man.
There is also another way that the energy of the man and the woman, interact during the process of procreation.
Because this is a public video, the rectangle shown in this picture will represent the male penis.
The act of procreation in the missionary position,
involves the penis extending out from the groin of the man,
and into the vagina of the woman.
Another activity that takes place during the act of sex, is that the man and the woman will kiss, or stick their tongues into each other’s mouths.
The tongue extends out from the mouth of a human being,
like the penis extends out from the groin of the man.
This picture shows the man and woman in the missionary position,
with the rectangular object representing the tongue extending out from the mouth of the man,
and into the mouth of the woman.
According to Happeh Theory, there is one more thing that extends out from the body of the man and into the body of the woman. According to Happeh Theory, a penis or tongue like projection will extend out from the stomach of the man during the process of procreation, as demonstrated by the rectangular object in this picture.
The woman’s stomach during the process of procreation, will open in a way that is similar to the way the mouth and the vagina open. This special effects picture provides a way to visualize what the opening in the stomach of the woman might look like.
During the process of procreation in the missionary position,
the projection from the stomach of the man would naturally extend into the stomach of the woman.
A way to visualize what that looks like, can be provided by this special effects picture of an arm sticking into the opening of the stomach.
The arm sticking into the opening in the stomach,
represents the projection extending out from the stomach of the man.
According to Happeh Theory, the process of procreation was designed to involve alll three projections from the body of the man, extending into and stimulating all three openings in the 
body of the woman.

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